Explore projects
A acrylic logo of our hackspace. Illuminated by neopixels controled by a ESP8266
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Citronalco / website2ics
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Perl-Skripte, die Veranstaltungsinfos von Webseiten auslesen und als ics-Datei ausgeben. Halle Neun, Eventhalle Westpark, KAP94, Stadt Ingolstadt, Zündfunk Tipps, Backstage, Muffatwerk (Ampere), Strom, Hirsch, Z-Bau,..
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Citronalco / wifi-runner
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterRun scripts when wifi connection (guided by connman) state is changed.
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Infrastruktur / Monitoring / XMPPNotify
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterXMPP Notify Plugin for Icinga 2 (should work with nagios etc.)
Fork von: https://github.com/Finn10111/XMPPNotify