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Citronalco / website2ics
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Perl-Skripte, die Veranstaltungsinfos von Webseiten auslesen und als ics-Datei ausgeben. Halle Neun, Eventhalle Westpark, KAP94, Stadt Ingolstadt, Zündfunk Tipps, Backstage, Muffatwerk (Ampere), Strom, Hirsch, Z-Bau,..
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Citronalco / mp3-to-rss2feed
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPython 3 script to create a RSS2 podcast feed for all MP3 files in a given directory
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Citronalco / solr-calibre-websearch
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySearch your Calibre library lightning fast - with a solr index and a nice web gui
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Citronalco / carddav2asterisk
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTiny Python 3 script that reads all contacts from a CardDAV addressbook and inserts them into Asterisk's CID lookup database
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Docker container to build Gitea binary with PAM support for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint
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Citronalco / congress
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Freifunk-Gateways mit Ansible aufsetzen - Rollen | Inventar + Playbooks hier: https://git.bingo-ev.de/freifunk/ansible-ffin | Fork von https://github.com/FreiFunkMuenster/Ansible-Freifunk-Gateway.git
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Complete Ansible setup for dynamic DNS service nsupdate.info. Includes PostgreSQL, Bind9, Nginx, Certbot, Postfix
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Citronalco / Nextcloud deb
Affero General Public License v1.0Build Nextcloud packages for Debian repository. Fork of https://git.jurisic.org/ijurisic/nextcloud-deb
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Software for a high power DC voltage and current meter based on STM32F0
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Meshviewer, Yanic, Grafana, InfluxDB und Firmware-Selector als docker-compose
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Citronalco / Schlangenprogrammierspiel-Ansible
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAnsible-Playbook für das Schlangenprogrammierspiel (https://github.com/schlangenprogrammiernacht/spn-meta)