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Citronalco / congress
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Citronalco / merge-icals
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Merge multiple calendars in ics/ical format into a single calendar.
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Freifunk-Gateways mit Ansible aufsetzen - Rollen | Inventar + Playbooks hier: https://git.bingo-ev.de/freifunk/ansible-ffin | Fork von https://github.com/FreiFunkMuenster/Ansible-Freifunk-Gateway.git
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Citronalco / wifi-runner
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterRun scripts when wifi connection (guided by connman) state is changed.
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Citronalco / br-download
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPython3 command line tool to download radio shows from Bayerischer Rundfunk as tagged MP3 files
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Fetch schedule information from a MythTV database and export this data to an XMLTV formatted XML file.
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Citronalco / carddav2asterisk
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTiny Python 3 script that reads all contacts from a CardDAV addressbook and inserts them into Asterisk's CID lookup database
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A acrylic logo of our hackspace. Illuminated by neopixels controled by a ESP8266
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Inventar und Playbooks zu den Rollen von hier: https://git.bingo-ev.de/freifunk/Ansible-Freifunk-Gateway
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Jitsi-Meet-Server für bingo e.V. (Debian & Ansible)
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Software for a high power DC voltage and current meter based on STM32F0
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Citronalco / FM4-7Tage-Download
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPython command line tool to download shows from FM4's 7-Tage player as MP3 files
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